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About me

            In 1960 at the age of 18 I bought my first camera.  It was primitive and so was I.   I have been learning photography in fits and starts ever since, usually at a pace related to how much I was enjoying the camera of the moment. 

            When digital and mirrorless technology came in, I let go my bulky film cameras, and with the greater scope of working on computers rather than the darkroom bench, my photography has been far more fun.  If something is fun, we want to do it.

            We are always learning: when people ask what sort of photographer I am, I have no answer!   I take pictures because I want to, that's it.  I let myself loose on a broad spectrum of subjects.    I seek composition and I like drama in the visual sense.   Pictures are what we make of them, there is a lot of rubbish talked about what camera and how many megapixels and what sensor size - our forebears took great images on simple equipment,  they just had the skill to recognize and create good pictures.  What is important is the ability and the vision of the photographer.

            I don't follow rules.  If a picture looks right, then it's right.  If it doesn't look right and I care, then I make it right - right for me!  We are all painters with light: a painter puts on the canvas what he wishes to be there and leaves out what he doesn't.  The camera is a tool, no more.

            Neither are we all winners.  Documenting life is the best that most of us aspire to.   If people like my pictures, I'm delighted: if not, they'll make better ones.

            Today I write books when I can, I take pictures when I can, life is a constant struggle but pictures at least are constant too - they are always there to be found.


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